Corey's Sun Valley
I strive to create personalized care with all my clients. Every purchase or sale is unique, and I aim to exceed expectations. I have been navigating the dynamic real estate market since 1979 and will guide you with my expert guidance. I'm with you every step of the way.
My love of the Sun Valley area started in 1968 when my mother moved here from Southern California. While I have come and gone over the past 50+ years, Sun Valley is truly my ‘place of belonging.’ The area offers more than a resort town. The first people here were the Shoshone and Bannock tribes over 10,000 years ago. Then, in 1870, gold was discovered in the West, and the fortune seekers arrived and drove out the native American inhabitants. In addition to mining boom towns in the area, there are plenty of natural hot springs, fishing, hunting, and a healthy amount of sheepherding. The Union Pacific Railroad was the lifeline to this valley, and before long, Averell Harriman sent Count Feliz Schaffgosch to find the best place to build a resort that could be accessed via the train line. The rest is History. The Sun Valley Lodge opened in 1936, and with a good PR campaign, the celebrities flocked here via the Snow Ball Express from Los Angeles.
Sun Valley was the first destination Ski Resort in the US. But it quickly grew into a year-round destination. Nestled in Central Idaho, surrounded by the Smoky, Pioneer, White Cloud Mountains, and the infamous Sawtooth Range, the outdoor possibilities become limitless. Add a good dose of culture and a fabulous community, and you have a year-round world-class destination.